Hammond Museum and Japanese Stroll Garden Founding Artist Members Directory
Listed alphabetically by first name
Countries Represented: Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, England, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, USA, Wales
Amitabh Shrivastav
Amy Zhang
Andrea Bonfils
Andrew Zelman
Ann Mallory
Ann Tetelman
Anna Rose Holmer
Baltasar Samper
Bert Rechtschaffer
Brandur Patursson
Catherine Schmitt
Cathy O'Keefe Jarcho
Cindy Sacks
Donald Schwartz
Elizabeth Digiorgio
Ellen W Kaplan
Esmeralda Ortiz-Luis Lyn, Ph.D.
Frank Kara
George-Ann Gowan
Hannah Rosenstein
Hildreth Potts
Jessica Rechtschaffer
Jo-Ann Brody
John Armstrong
John Gibson
Joy Brown
Judith Wyer
Kathleen Goldberg
Ker Berdimurat Beckley
Kit Callahan
Kristjana Samper
Larry Dell
Leslie Hardie
Linda Kuehne
Lisa Fuge
Marilyn Richeda
Maya Matheis
Maya Rau Murthy
Michelle Cooke
Monroe Hodder
Nalla Wollen
Patti Ettinger
Pessi Margulies
Resa Gibbs
Robin Adler
Roni Sherman Ramos
Samuel Farrell
Sharon Fishel
Sheilah Rechtschaffer
Tanya Kukucka
Mixed Media Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics

Tanya Kukucka draws on deep worlds of the unconscious and the fantastic. She dwells within a place of fears and dreams, nightmares and touches of reality. Her work reflects upon Death and Rebirth, as she incorporates both feelings of sadness and grace.
Symbolism is important, from butterflies representing the Soul to ancient texts depicting Shamanistic stories.
Her work is cathartic, as she believes that she is purging her soul as she creates, which becomes a cleansing and healing process.
Instagram: troutybean
In Other Words essay: The Cathartic Fantasies of Tanya Kukucka
Terri Tibbatts
Book Artist, Photographer, Printmaker and Calligrapher

Terri Tibbatts is a book artist, photographer, printmaker and calligrapher. She is a student of Japanese brushwork and book arts, and has exhibited her work exclusively and in private and university collections across the U.S. Her commercial work includes Shoji Shades, a specialty design business producing custom window shades made from Japanese papers. Her calligraphy and artist’s books are featured in the book collections of a number of American colleges and universities.
Website: territibbatts.com
Theresa DeSalvio
Painting, Video

Theresa DeSalvio is a visual artist whose images are rooted in everyday life, memory and the natural world. She has extended her work to include narrative videos using her paintings, photography, music and narration. Her film Visit to Thailand – Land of Smiles won numerous awards at the Tagore International Film Festival including best travel film.
In 2019, DeSalvio relocated to the Hudson Valley, NY. She holds a MFA from CUNY Hunter College (1982) and a BFA from the School of Visual Arts (1976).
Website: theresadesalvio.com
Tilly Strauss
Tilly Strauss Works in Acrylics and in Digital Formats on Her iPad

I think Time is my inspiration. I didn’t grow up in one home. Instead I shifted with the rhythms of seasons and vacations that repeated over Time. My body and my thoughts react to Time. I am a lot in the past and the future. It is hard for me to stay in the present UNLESS I am making art. That is why, since 2006, I have kept a daily drawing or painting practice.
Website: tillystudio.com
Instagram: tillystrauss
Tom Halsall
Acrylic Paint and Mixed Media on Canvas

My latest work combines acrylic paint, collage and mixed media on canvas. It is inspired by the world of street art and graffiti. Art is culture….so the creative act for me is about exploring the ongoing struggle to define the American Dream. These images are intended to provoke feelings and conversation around the question: What is the common good?
My career as an artist and educator spans almost 5 decades and includes one person and group exhibitions in both galleries and museums along with work in numerous collections public and private.
Traci R. Meitzler
Acrylic, Marker, Charcoal, Spray Paint, Modeling Paste

As an artist I work hard to develop art that speaks both to me and to others about my emotions and frame of mind while creating.
I would classify my style as chaotic architecture. I enjoy the juxtaposition of straight edges with organic curves. I believe that a painting or any design cannot have just one element, but that each exists in harmony because of the other.
I work mostly in acrylic mediums along with other materials such as marker, charcoal, spray paint and modeling paste. I like to add non-standard items as well to create texture, such as clear acrylic sheets, textured wall paper, and coarse sand.
Website: mad7studio.com
Instagram: mad7studio
Veronica C. Wilkinson
Mixed Media, Paint, Collage, Clay, Textiles, Etching, Woodblock, Experimental Materials, Writing

My floating world was spent aboard various classes and sizes of cargo ships at sea accompanying my husband, a master mariner (Captain) for over twenty years as we traveled around the world. My inspiration is drawn from nature and natural light and I have drawn, painted and written since I can remember to express a need to record in a reassuring practical way.
Yvette Cohen
Graphite, Acrylic, Oil, Collage with Wood Dowels and Canvas

My background is in drawing and painting, but I think sculpturally. The shapes are canvas under wooden dowels, or simply canvas pieces, that mount flat on the wall. The space surrounding the pieces is no less important than the pieces themselves. Brushstrokes, and underlying brushstrokes, reveal themselves. It’s not perfect. The work keeps on growing.
Website: yvettecohen.com
Instagram: yvette.cohen
Zahra Jlayer
Acrylic Painting

Zahra Jlayer is an abstract artists and physician pathologist who is currently residing in New Rochelle, NY. Her dad was a self-thought artist and poet and soon Zahra being inspired by her dad fell in love with painting. She hardly found peaceful time to spend on painting while she was in medical school, nevertheless her immense desire for painting remained alive.
It was following her graduation from pathology residency in New York that Zahra found more time to go back to her passion. Working with microscope and looking at the human body at cellular level became he inspiration for the world of abstract art.
She loves fluid art and pour painting, through which she explores the beauty and complexity of vibrant collection of colors. One can find energy, light and warmth in most of her paintings. She attempts to connect with people’s souls through her work and transfer positive energy to viewers.
Website: zahrajlayer.com
Instagram: zahra_jlayer
Zena-Marie Lopez
Contemporary and Digital/Media Art

I am a multi-dimensional, contemporary collage artist, storyteller and student of the profound human spirit. No matter the medium my art has always been the manifestation of the collective experience. I share my perspective with the world in the hopes of inspiring a deeper connection that may bridge the spiritual and material worlds. Discover the depths pertaining to the meaning of life on earth, and experience true freedom. I create art to encourage people to live deeply, love endlessly and motivate dynamic thought.
Website: zmlartforeveryone.com
Instagram: zmlartforeveryone
Zsuzsi Winn
Mixed Media, Photography and Installation

I am a multi-hyphenate Contemporary Mixed Media Artist, Nature Photographer and Installation Artist from Budapest, Hungary now living in New York, USA. I draw my inspiration from historic garden landscape designs, the symbolism of flowers, and the, philosophies found in Zen culture. My artworks are two-dimensional and three-dimensional to express myself as well as to create experiences for the viewer. Whether it’s photography, mixed media or art installations each medium cohesively shares the same story. My stories embrace the charm and serenity of peaceful strolling gardens and human connections to Nature. I am fascinated by design-scapes and their use of plants. I am curious about their history and look to explore the interpretations behind each of the flowers, plants and structures that enhance these magnificent gardens.
Website: zsuzsiwinnstudio.com
Instagram: zsuzsi_winn_studio
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