Volunteer & Sponsor

The Hammond Museum welcomes people with a broad array of skill sets who are interesting in volunteering.
We thank our current partner, The ArtsWestchester, for volunteering weekly in the Japanese Stroll Garden. We also thank others who have been volunteering in other areas of the Hammond, such as public programs, gardening, fine and performing arts, and high school and college internships.
We welcome current and new volunteers who are interesting in volunteering in areas such as gardening, painting, carpentry, public relations, marketing, program planning, accounting, and beyond!
Interested volunteers, please contact the Hammond Museum at director@hammondmuseum.org.
The Hammond Museum welcomes donations of all sorts including plants, trees, art objects, equipment, and objects that can be sold in the Museum Store in addition to financial support. For more information, please contact The Hammond Museum at info@hammondmuseum.org.
The Hammond Museum is much indebted to the following organizations for grants and sponsorships.
Give to the Hammond and help this jewel of Westchester keep delighting visitors.