"SEVEN VEILS" EXHIBIT - April 22th, 2017 to June 10th, 2017
SATURDAY, May 6, 2017, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
The Hammond Museum will kickoff the Spring Season with an Opening Reception Saturday May 6th presenting SEVEN VEILS, the group exhibit of three artists: Peter Hristoff, Janelle Junn, Leonie Castelino.
Admission will be free on opening day.
Refreshments will be provided by Nisa Lee Events.
Also there will be assorted tastings and offerings by our sponsors to
support the Hammond Museum.

A Pursuit of Perspective
EXHIBIT - September 20th, 2017 to November 11th, 2017
SATURDAY, September 23, 2017, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
The Hammond Museum will kickoff the Fall Season with an Opening Reception to honor its special presentation exhibition:
A Pursuit of Perspective
Guild Hall Gallery
Gaudi Blue - Marc Weinstein,
Japanese Banners 1868 - 1912 - The Daghlan Collection
Queens College, Marleen Kassel, Curator
The Fifth Dimension - Hisao Hanafusa,
Goelet Gallery
The Sea Witch's Garden- Ariel Edwards
Ceramic Installation
Hays Gallery
GLOW- Suzy Sureck,
Drawings and Installations involving Luminescence
Admission will be free on opening day.
Refreshments will be provided.