Virtual Chinese Brush Painting Workshop

Chinese Brush Painting Workshop
Learn Asian Brush Painting with the Asian Brush Artists Guild (ABAG).
The Asian Brush Artists Guild meets at the Hammond Museum and Japanese Stroll Garden and offers an opportunity for hands-on learning of Asian brush painting. Below are the dates and information about these workshops.
Virtual Classes
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
from 2-4 pm
Joan Lok
Celebrate the new year with blooming Amaryllis.
Paint the flower in expressive brushwork (Lingnan School) with Joan Lok, author of the best-selling “Chinese Brush Painting: Flowers” and instructor of her popular online learning workshops,
Joan Lok's website:
Fee: $20 per person
pay below

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 from 11am-1pm
Jane Chang, Chinese Painting - Fish and Aquatic Plants
Using a foundation of Chinese painting with a modern twist, Jane will teach the elements of brush painting fish as they swim and splash! Students will create their own watercolor paintings under Jane's experienced guidance.
Suitable for students of all levels and ability and experience.
Fee: $20 per person

Monday, April 19, 2021
from 2-4 pm
Sungsook Hong Setton, Chinese brush painting – Spring Trees
Sungsook is the author of The Spirit of the Brush: Chinese Brush Painting Techniques (2017) and was three times awarded Best of Show at the National Juried Exhibition by the Sumi-e Society of America.
Paint along with Sungsook and learn her free-style method of painting trees that are full of vitality and exuberance.
Suitable for students of all levels and ability and experience
Fee: $20 per person

Monday, May 17, 2021
from 2-4 pm
Joan Lok
Celebrate the return of spring with blooming iris.
Joan Lok will discuss her technique of how to load the brush with multiple colors, and demonstrate expressive brushwork to paint a beautiful iris in violet with yellow beards. We will work on irises in additional colors and possibly a visiting butterfly if time allows.
Supplies - The usual sumi-e paper (rice paper), brush and colors. Joan uses Winsor Violet but other shades including any transparent reds and blue will work as well.
Fee: $20 per person
Zoom information will be sent after payment.
Fee: $20 per person
For more information please email
Materials Needed (for all Chinese brush painting classes):
Brushes: Chinese brush or any type of paint brush you have at home (preferably point/round)
Ink: Chinese ink, sumi-e ink, or black watercolor
Color: Chinese watercolor or any paper-based watercolor or paint
Paper: Rice paper, watercolor paper, or any paper you have at home
Palette or white ceramic or plastic plate
Felt mat or old newspaper