November 29th, 2016 - All Day
What is #NYGivesDay?
#NYGivesDay is a 24-hour online challenge to celebrate nonprofits across the state of New York. Thousands of nonprofits across the Empire State will work together to raise awareness, collect donations, and build a stronger sense of philanthropy throughout their local communities.
When is #NYGivesDay?
#NYGivesDay 2016 will be held on #GivingTuesday, Tuesday, November 29th, 2016 from 12 AM Eastern Time - Midnight. The giving takes place online at
Why is #NYGivesDay being held on #GivingTuesday?
#GivingTuesday is a national day of giving that occurs on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday each year.
#NYGivesDay builds on the focus of #GivingTuesday by engaging many of the major nonprofit networks and leaders in New York State to encourage more nonprofits and donors to participate. Experience with such days of giving shows that when participation increases, donors have more choices and overall giving to nonprofits increases.