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Shrine to What Cannot Be Caught, a sc

Shrine to What Cannot Be Caught and Baby Solo Cup

Moira Trachtenberg

Pleasantville, New York



Shrine to What Cannot Be Caught

Natural and Human-Made Materials: Styrofoam, Birch Bark, Fish Hook, Birch Bark, Seashell

12 x 14 inches



The materials in this piece capture a sense of motion, even while immobile, perhaps a gentle inversion of the yoga concept of repose within a pose. It is a shrine to what cannot be caught: blue skies, time, all of the human-made foam being wantonly cast into the sea. Are we too late?



Baby Solo Cup


Not For Sale


​I chose this work as a reflection of the March prompt image, but also in keeping with an ongoing concern regarding the overload of plastic in our seas and on our beaches.

link to poem text

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